Friday, September 28, 2018

Freeform Friday

What a wild, wild week. Aside from being glued to the radio and/or television coverage of brave Dr. Blasey Ford's testimony and resulting proceedings, I'm planning on staying cozy at home this weekend. It's time to recharge and get ready for whatever next weeks throws at us, my friends. I hope you have a restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

How your fraternity membership may dampen your SCOTUS nomination.

The rape culture of the 1980s, explained by Sixteen Candles.

Every. Woman. In. This. Photo.

Satisfying soups like this are perfectly satisfying now that the weather is cooler.

These Italian ghost towns turned resorts look heavenly.

Dinner ideas for busy families.

All the feelings for this compelling story from Humans of New York (in Lagos).

Wish listing these playful rain boots.

An artist's revenge (with a good dose of humor).

The world just laughed together, and boy did it feel good.

[Image from Emily McDowell on Instagram.]

Friday, September 21, 2018

Freeform Friday

We're headed out to a movie and lecture on film noir tonight, and I'm excited to get out of the house with my husband who has been cooped all week nursing his arm injury. The weeks have been so busy lately, so I'm really looking forward to having a chance to catch my breath and enjoy some cozy moments at home. There's something kind of magical about godlen-green autumn days like these, isn't there? I hope you have a cozy weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

A refreshing revision to high school homecoming courts.

The fascinating on foot journey of David Sedaris.

"I hoped that my fears for our future were overblown. They were not."

Great advice about parenting.

GOP Officials: Kavanaugh shouldn't be held accountable for something he did as white teenager.


Ha! "ALEXA, play Frank Ocean."

[Image from Mistylyn on Instagram.]

Friday, September 14, 2018

Freeform Friday

Whew. That was a doozy. After injuring his arm over Labor Day weekend and requiring orthopedic surgery on the second day of school, my husband is finally feeling a little better and our household is starting to find our new school year rhythm. The first couple of weeks went by in a blurry-eyed haze, so I'm looking forward to resting and recuperating this weekend. I hope you also have a restful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

You don't have to be perfect, just present.

Tammy Duckworth is all kinds of amazing.

Small kindnesses often make a big difference.

What rage costs a woman.

So much fun with classroom instruments.

Made me snicker over this change in perspective.

This customized round house is amazing.

A brief (and frustrating) history of people policing women’s tennis outfits.

It’s not really about the speech habits. It’s about being women, speaking.

Well played, Ms. Michigan.

Day trip and other vacation ideas in the Mitten.

These comments about Hurricane Florence are. Well. Just read them for yourself.

[Image from Wright Kitchen on Instagram.]