Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wine Tour Weekend in Traverse City

When planning for a wine tour with girl friends, Pinterest was mostly a Pintrocity. Slim Jims, Hostess mini-muffins, and bags of cheese and cracker sandwiches sound more appropriate for a tour of Boone's Farm, not the Mission Peninsula.

Looking for inspiration, I fell back on finger foods I serve at happy hours. Looking for snacks that would travel well, stay relatively mess free, and pair nicely with the wine we sipped at each of our eight stops on the tour, I put together this fabulous array.

They were great for cleansing the palate and keeping us from getting too tipsy as our driver crisscrossed across the Mission Peninsula on a bright and sunny May day.

All the items were packed in sturdy containers and put in a canvas tote, happily passed back and forth over the five hour tour. Temperatures were moderate, so I didn't even bother with an ice pack to keep things cool.

We brought:

Manchego cheese
Rice crackers
Mixed nuts with dried fruit
Red grapes
Shortbread cookies with rosemary and sea salt

What have you packed for your wine tour picnics? Do you have any additions to the list?

Our tour of the Mission Peninsula included stops at:

Black Star Farms
Peninsula Cellars
2 Lads Winery
Chateau Chantal
Bowers Harbor Vineyards
Brys Estate Vineyard and Winery
Chateau Grand Traverse
Bonobo Winery

Our culinary adventures didn't end with the wine tour. We had a fantastic time eating out in Traverse City, and it all made for a perfect weekend full of good wine, food, and friends.

Curious about our dining picks in Traverse City? We happily ate out at:
Hearth and Vine Cafe
Trattoria Stella
The Franklin

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