Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hello Summer!

The end of the school year always calls for a grand gesture to usher in summer vacation. So, embrace a spirit of playfulness and dive in!

Here are some ways you can kick it off right:

Have a backyard ice cream social with a giant banana split. We made ours by buying a new gutter, lining it with tin foil, pre-scooping ice cream onto trays before the party, then slicing bananas when it was time to serve. A couple friends pitched in to help spread whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherries. Big wow factor with minimal effort.

Get out the sprinkler, Slip 'N Slide, or whatever water toy you have for the yard and get crazy. Seriously. It's the summer, and it's your duty as a parent to show your kids how the pros squeal as you dart through the icy spray.

Do something decidedly summery! Go swimming. Jump off the high dive. Eat at a drive-in restaurant. Have a picnic outside. Take a bike ride. Go kayaking. Eat popsicles on the front steps. 

Get out of town! For the second time in the last couple of years, we booked a short trip away as soon as school gets out. Hiking, swimming in the awesome hotel pool, and making s'mores in the fire pit are the perfect way to hit the reset button. 

Make a summer bucket list. Last year my kids and I put together a list of parks, museums, and gardens we wanted to visit on sunny days, and we made a habit of trying a new one each week (and heading back to favorites as we made our way through the list!). 

Host a pop-up dinner party. If you think they're too much effort, just remember that a dinner party at a clever, outdoor location means you don't have to clean your house.

After the kids go to bed, have a beverage on the porch. Sunset isn't until after 9:00 p.m., so grab something cold, kick back, and soak it in, my friends. 

Need more inspiration? Check out these awesome ideas for how to celebrate big and small occasions. 

How do you plan on kicking off summer vacation?

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