Friday, July 15, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend holds two very exciting firsts for our family. My son has been invited to participate in his first ever swim meet Saturday morning, and we're bringing home a new dog (!!!) Saturday afternoon. We've put all other big plans on hold so we can spend lots of time getting to know our new pup.

Meanwhile, here are some highlights I've seen from around the Interweb:

I've been reading this book for the first time in 14 years in preparation for bringing home our new dog and am amazed at how different things feel this time around.

I always love it when Ann Arbor gets some national love, this time from Bon Appétit.

After chasing kids all week, this message that recognizes how tiring it is to always be on when caring for small children but also how absolutely precious it is to have tiny humans who love and need you that much really struck a chord.

These fictional Missed Connections make me laugh out loud every time I read them.

I spotted a flyer for the new Harry Potter release party at my favorite local book store and was delighted to see Rowling's magic machine up and running.

Well played, Hillary. Well played.

(Photo of summer on a plate from a dinner my sister and I threw together Thursday night. Find more at the Our Moveable Feast Instagram account.)

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