Friday, July 22, 2016

Freeform Friday

It's the dog days of summer, and I mean that both literally and figuratively. The sultry temps have us headed to the pool, the only acceptable place to be when it's over 90. Furthermore, our days are consumed, in the best way imaginable, with walking, training, and hanging out with our new dog.

Here are some highlights from the Internet this week for you to click through.

It's Hemingway Days in Key West! This lovely tour of his home shows the room where he completed 70% of his work, too.

This banned books mug is the new favorite in our house these days.

I have absolutely no need for this awesome turntable, but as a huge Wilco fan, I still feel compelled to get it.

The third book in Aaron Becker's picture book series comes out August 2, and the trailer looks just as beautiful and exciting as the others.

I'm complete in awe of these gutsy Art Warriors.

This will have to go down as the greatest prank of all time. Steven Colbert, you're my hero.

In other great art as protest news, this was awesome. Kuddos to you, Plastic Jesus.

You may have stopped believing in unicorns, but they didn't stop believing in you. P.S., we saw one in person at Fool Moon, and it. Was. Awesome.

(Photo of my nine-month-old puppy Chauncey. Find more at the Our Moveable Feast Instagram account.)

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