Friday, July 29, 2016

Freeform Friday

Eek! The weekend is here, and I'm trying to get bags packed for me and the kids so we can hop in the car and head Up North to our family's house in Good Hart. It will be a wondrous week full of drinks on the deck, splashing in the hot tub, and toes in the sand. We're also having our annual pirate party where we dress up (of course!), feast on a Low Country boil, and search the beach for a treasure chest the pirates leave each year for the kids.

These are some links from around the web that I've been checking out (and watching after the kids finally go off to bed). Enjoy!

I love this badass feminist T-shirt.

This satirical piece from HRC's POV is spot on. It's also exactly what my inner voice sounds like when I'm at work meetings.

And in more satire, here is some advice for ambitious women in the workplace. At least I now know what I've been doing wrong all these years!

The FLOTUS's speech this week was electrifying, encouraging, and inspiring. Lock yourself in the bathroom for 14 minutes so you can watch it uninterrupted.

As someone who also loves to eat things made from butter, this I Mom So Hard video on Spanx had me in stitches. Afterwards you absolutely need to marathon their videos. You may or may not pee your pants laughing.

Fans of Papa Hemingway have to read this delightful account of what it was like to write in his Key West home.

Film fans! Put the Humphrey Bogart Film Festival on your bucket list.

(Photo of our glorious Good Hart beach. Find more photos at the Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.)

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