Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wonder Months

I remember reading a how-to raise your infant book, and it referred to a time of prolific growth in a baby's first 10 months as the "wonder months." It enticed parents of newborns with promises of glorious growth and change that would transform the child's personality. And you know what? It was completely right. It also isn't exclusive to babies. Adults experience wonder months, too.

I came to realize this recently when a friend went through a whirlwind of change and growth buying her own condo, falling in love, traveling abroad, and moving to an exciting big city. These are her wonder months. And everyone can see it. She radiates joy and vivacity.

While chatting about all of the exciting new things going on in her life, it made me think about my own wonder months. For me, it started with a car. In my early 20s, I was fresh off a bad breakup with a longterm boyfriend and feeling adrift in my studies and love life. Hell, life in general. And then everything clicked.

That spring I bought a red convertible that was, and still is, the most fun car I've owned.  I decided to do something constructive with my English major and enrolled in the School of Ed. I got recruited to coach field hockey, a job I loved and held for the next five years. While happily traveling down the road I'd put myself on, I met the love of my life while bagging bread at the bakery where we both worked. And that was that. In a matter of six months I put into motion decisions that would pull me out of my funk and lead me to marry an incredible partner and find a job I love.

What were your wonder months? What series of decisions and outcomes made everything click for you?

(Photo of my sister and me with the convertible that started it all, circa 1999.)

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