Friday, August 19, 2016

Freeform Friday

We spent a wonderful week at a historic hotel in the mountains (post coming soon), so we'll spend the weekend catching up around the house and snuggling with the dog. Lounging by a spring fed pool is grand, but so is sleeping in your own bed with no kids in the room. I hope your weekend is a good one, and I hope you enjoy clicking through these links:

This Dutch baby is super fast and easy to make for breakfast; I topped ours with fresh cherries and powdered sugar.

We had oatmeal pie for the first time while on vacation, and I'm excited to try to recreate it soon with this recipe.

I am terrible at making time for television, but I'll be sure to carve out time for a new season of this show. 

This play on words made me snicker.

Are the different bib fonts at the Olympics driving you crazy, too?

Pony Boy is 50!

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