Friday, August 26, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend is our last hurrah before we return to work on Monday after another amazing summer. Luckily I have a girls night Saturday with the alluring promise of a cool frosé (or two or three) for each of us.

I hope your weekend is a good one, and I hope you enjoy clicking through these links:

I've made this simple pasta dish about once a week ever since cherry tomatoes showed up at the Farmer's Market. 

These sleeping baby pictures are whimsical and fun.

The state of Michigan cleaned house at the Olympics.

Speaking of Michigan, say yes! to each of these frosted glasses.

This vajingle is hooha-riffic.

Balloon letters at their best.

Feeling excited for our next book club book, another hit from Erik Larson.

This is why high school seniors are awesome.

Unearned white privilege in action. Gotta pair this with the McIntosh article in class this year.

(Photo of Ingrid Bergman looking as good as I hope to feel after several glasses of frosé this weekend.)

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