Friday, October 7, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend I'm throwing caution to the wind by trying something new (judging a beauty pageant my friend Amanda is in charge of) and something old (my high school reunion). I also have a book club meeting on Sunday afternoon with my favorite group of ladies to discuss Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, a favorite book that I haven't read since the '90s.

I hope your weekend is a good one, and I hope you enjoy clicking through these links:

Want the best white Russian? Add this to it.

This tour of the historic Boblo Boat is a must-see for any Michigander. For the record, the last time I rode on it was for our end of the year trip in the seventh grade.

And you thought you couldn't love the Obamas any more.

I am absolutely in love with the new Roald Dahl collection from Mini Boden. The Matilda dress with hidden book spines in the slip is amazing. This alphabet dress is another favorite.

A fascinating piece on the hierarchy of digital and verbal communication (or when to email or text vs. make a phone call).

Put every one of these books on your list to read.

What to know what it's like to work with high school students? Read this. It's exactly like this.

[Photo of beauty pageant contestants from the 1930s.]

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