Friday, October 21, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend we're soaking up the best parts of fall by checking out a favorite farm store, taking in the changing fall leaves, and taking it easy. The stretch from the start of school to Thanksgiving is a long one, and it's lovely to give yourself a much needed fall break.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy clicking through some of my favorite links from this past week.

If you like Pixar (and what film lover doesn't!?), you must watch their new, dark short.

It's reassuring to know that Bob Dylan is still definitively Bob Dylan.

Stunning street murals that illustrate Detroit's artistic beauty.

What I look like when I exercise.

My favorite fall meal (that's easy enough to throw together on a weeknight).

#whyiwrite as a celebration of National Day on Writing.

This is not my beautiful house (and other observations on having what you think you want).

Trump book reports had me laughing. Bigly.

Seriously considering getting a nasty mug and/or bad hombres pin.

[Picture by A. Eldon of the bounty at Bill's Farm Market in the always charming Petoskey.]

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