Friday, December 2, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend we're celebrating my son's sixth birthday with friends and family, and we'll indulge him in all things Lego and dinosaur. Kid birthday celebrations are not complete without an incredible birthday cake, and this year the birthday boy picked out a strawberry and buttercream confection. I'm already dreaming of a cake-induced coma in front of a cozy fire. Somebody wake me up when the recount is over.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the last week.

Have you seen the new Stones music video? Extra love for the vintage fastback Mustang (which happens to the first car I owned as a fresh-faced sixteen-year-old). It's just as fun to drive as Kristen Stewart makes it look.

Wes Anderson's new ad featuring Adrien Brody. Hell yeah.

Sometimes I love fake Amazon reviews.

These are the only Bible quotes I want to see on the side of a Starbucks cup.

I listened to this song about 25 times at max volume today, and I've since developed a serious crush on this guy.

We saw this movie last weekend, and I can't stop thinking about it.

Offline streaming from Netflix? Yes, please.

Love the cozy slippers and simple jacket in this gift guide.

Thank you, internet!

You know Wikipedia is completely legit, right?

Spot-on movie recs for kids (and adults who may have missed them!).

One more Christmas movie you might have missed and need to see.

[Photo of my sweet boy on his fifth birthday.]

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