Friday, December 23, 2016

Freeform Friday

Happy vacation! We're spending our time off sleeping in, coloring, baking, reading, and visiting with family for the holiday. We also get to indulge in two of my favorite vacation activities: leisurely lunches out and weekday story time with the kids.

I hope you have a lovely holiday, and I hope you enjoy clicking through these links (when you may or may not be hiding from your family in the bathroom of your relative's house).

Looking for a great poem to read at the holiday table? How about this, this, or this.

Feminist books for good girls AND boys.

The perfect gift for someone on the (little bit) naughty list.

A tempting addition to bedtime stories.

Just in time for some holiday laughs: David Sedaris reads his essay "Santaland Diaries."

This feminist pirate song has perfect cultural commentary.

Must-read books for fans of film.

Eek! New details about Wes Anderson's newest film.

Tips for going to the Women's March on Washington.

A beautifully written essay on solitude by Donald Hall.

[Photo by A. Eldon of the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory.]

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