Friday, December 9, 2016

Freeform Friday

"Hey, Sally! You want me to trimma tree for ya?" 
-Holden from J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye
This weekend we're going to tim our tree, hope for several inches of snow to play in, and celebrate my husband's almost milestone birthday at a new French restaurant in town. I'm also planning on hunkering down in front of the fire to finish writing an article I've been working on and finally address the Christmas cards that have been sitting around all week waiting to go out in the post.

I hope you have a lovely, cozy weekend, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the past week.

What romance scenes would look like if films were feminist.

On a related note, dialogue analysis of film scripts reveals absolutely nothing shocking about a lack of female voices in film. 

My gift to you, dear reader: NPR's Book Concierge guide to 2016’s great reads.

Sherman's Alexie's podcast on writing in the era of Trump. 

How to self-check the news and get the facts.

After looking at this analysis of Twitter, I now can literally see the damage the disappearance of newspapers is having on our country. 

Dorthea Lange's stunning, censored photos of Japanese concentration camps. 

Five hundred years of European women in art

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