Friday, January 27, 2017

Freeform Friday

Holy weekend. After a non-stop week of wrapping up the semester, I'm ready to chill with the fam, attend a postcard party with some fantastically nasty women, get dinner out with friends, have bunch in with more friends, and try to find a new normal where I somehow read enough news to stay informed but avoid yelling "What the fuuuuuuck?!?" at the top of my lungs every day. So far I'm having moderate success.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the past week.

A great look at the power of color in film.

I picked up a new tile this week, and it has me wanting this and this and this.

Badlands? More like bad ass.

I love dreaming of my next trip with the help of these city guides.

On that note, travel tips for your next trip.

Thank you, internet!

Protest art to get you thinking.

This machine kills fascists.

In other dystopian news, 1984 is flying off shelfs.

I'm not usually a fan of makeovers, but this one works for some snarky reason.

When I dream, this is what it looks like.

[Photo by A. Eldon and shared originally on Instagram.]

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