Friday, March 3, 2017

Freeform Friday

Cheers to the weekend! Our friends are hosting a collaborative wine party this weekend, in the stunning rooftop space of their apartment building, and I'm looking forward to a date night out and lots of sips and conversation. We're hoping to drop the kids off at Grandma and Grandpa's early so we can catch a movie out, too.

I hope you have a delightful weekend, and I hope you enjoy these favorite links from the past week.

A peek inside this super secret Oscars job.

How to win at dinner with kids.

Charlie Harper + Motawi = take my money.

Can reading make you happier? 

A Day Without a Woman is this Wednesday, March 8. Get your FAQs and a letter to your employer.

This trick helps save my work sanity. For real.

The case for letting kids play with fire.

Have you seen this impressive director debut?

Thinking of getting one of these wonderful loungers like the ones at a favorite resort (although these may be more practical and just as comfy).

Waiting for Godot (with a modern Obamacare replacement update) is both hilarious and awful.

[Photo by Our Moveable Feast from a wine tour last spring.]

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