Friday, March 17, 2017

Freeform Friday

This weekend we're celebrating St. Patrick's Day with friends, and it gives me an excuse to make this indulgent dish for the occasion. They're perfectly salty and go well with a pint or two of Guinness. We also kicked off the weekend by taking our kids to see this charming documentary (that has a rare 96% on Rotten Tomatoes). An after school movie and giant bucket of popcorn was just what we needed to put the work week behind us.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the past week.

A test for true love.

Don't put off your girl's weekend.

The family behind the viral video (and their admirable spirit of playfulness).

What the what? Biff is based on Trump?!?

Made me laugh.

Nothing extraordinary about motherhood. Just defusing bombs and stuff.

Go, go, gadget!

What would you be willing to do for extra income?

Rainbow Totoro cookies exist.

Barbie's transformation.

The Nesties will make you cringe and laugh.

Mad Men is the gift that keeps giving.

Having salad for lunch? Try these tips.

[Photo is a my favorite sassy cat from Kedi.]

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