Friday, April 14, 2017

Freeform Friday

Grateful that the weekend is finally here, we're kicking back tonight with dinner at a fun drive-in (complete with carhops!). A Tax Day protest, including a pre-rally brunch at a friend's, will fill up Saturday, and I'm hoping the weather is sunny for an outdoor Easter egg hunt on Sunday.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy these links from around the web.

How to travel with kids and enjoy it.

Twenty-nine dishes to take to friends who could use a homemade meal.

Still thinking about how good this movie is (a week after watching it!).

What should happen after the end of the school day?

Tempting travel via this family-friendly house rental and exchange.

These make me so happy each time I put them on.

Literature themed cookies were a huge hit at book club last week.

Celebrate National Poetry Month with these 10 accessible poets.

Fascinating infograph on dominant employers in each state.

This is what a failed competence test looks like.

The perfect solution for those without space for a bedside table.

This made me giggle.

[Photo from the kaleidoscope at Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Find more at Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

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