Friday, April 28, 2017

Freeform Friday

We're going to our first full gala this weekend; good friends are involved in a wonderful organization that supports families with autism, and we're joining them for the dinner plus the afterglow (the only part we've attended in the past). It's a marvelous excuse to dress up and go out on the town. I bought my dress back in January, so I'm excited to get it out of the closet and show it a good time.

I hope you have a marvelous weekend, and I hope you enjoy these links from around the web.

A peak inside David Sedaris' newest book.

All aboard the Wes Anderson quirk express (due to arrive in April 2018).

My kind of road trip.

I'd like to see the world through these rose colored glasses.

What's for dinner (with an egg on top, of course).

Thinking outside the box.

Still need to get out to see this social thriller movie.

Ideas for teacher appreciate week (and any other time you want to make a teacher feel valued).

I love this method of getting a good book out to the masses.

A must-see trailer for Pixar fans.

A hilarious look back on Trump's first 100 days.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

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