Friday, May 26, 2017

Freeform Friday

Happy first day of pool! My fingers are crossed that the weekend weather is warm enough to take a dip at the swim club and grill out with friends on Memorial Day. I hope you have a relaxing long weekend planned, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

Looking forward to finally catching this documentary over the weekend.

This trailer makes the movie look as good (maybe better?) than the book.

Highlights from Hillary's commencement speech.

A telling photo essay about women and power.

It's not so much a sinkhole as a portal to hell.

A new renovation for the White House.

The Ultimate Backseat Bookshelf: 100 Must-Reads.

Need more ideas for what to read this summer? How about NPR’s 2016 Book Concierge.

Have you seen Jupiter's azure south pole?

The colors of Mister Rogers’ cardigan sweaters, 1979-2001.

Despite what my local paper has to say, prom is just a dance, not an engagement.

[Photo of my recent trip to Tybee Island; find more on Instagram.]

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