Friday, June 16, 2017

Freeform Friday

Hello, sweet summer. How I've missed you.

We're ushering summer vacation in with a dinner Saturday built around donut ice cream sundaes because, well, why the hell not. I also brought a dozen huge boxes home from work, and I'm going to let the kids build an epic cardboard metropolis to decorate and play in.

I hope your first days of summer are an absolute delight, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the last week.

New classics for your summer movie-binging list.

More reasons to get excited for Pixar's fall release.

Hilarious recreations of romance covers with regular looking people.

I just raced through this incredible read.

An incredible looking strawberry cake recipe.

Sherman Alexie's take on the tricky job of writing a memoir.

We have a new poet laureate!

Stanford's three summer reading books (all from female authors!).

Judd Apatow's legit feelings about Sony's plans for "clean" versions of films.

I really aspire to be the Bookclub President pool mom, but right now I'm more like The Mom Sitting with Her Feet in the Pool Trying to Read a Book While Not Totally Neglecting Her Kids.

Roger Ebert on ego

A must-have recipe book from local favorite Zingerman's. 

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