Friday, July 21, 2017

Freeform Friday

You know you're on vacation when your toughest decisions revolve around what book to read next (I'm debating between this favorite author's new book and this classic for book club), which bouquet of flowers to pick from Farmer's Market, and whether to go to the pool or the lake. These are the kinds of decisions I can handle right now. I hope you have similar dilemmas ahead for your weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week. 

An infograph for when it's okay to say, "You're in such good shape...beautiful."

Sherman Alexie’s heartbreaking reason for pausing his book tour.  

What a $100 Airbnb looks like around the world.

Insight into The Grand Dame of Science Fiction.

An awesome resource for mixing up reading aloud to children.

We're going through a polenta craze at home, and I'm looking forward to trying this, this, and this.

How good does this chopped salad look?

"That's a man. In a skirt. Trying to return Kim Clijsters' serve."  

Made me snicker

The Northern Lights in Michigan this week looked incredible.

I love it when local businesses support each other in creative ways.

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram.]

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