Friday, August 25, 2017

Freeform Friday

We're looking forward to my husband coming home from a weeklong class and going to this super fun sing-a-long movie at our local theater. The weather feels like fall already, so my fingers are crossed that we get a couple more trips to the pool before Labor Day.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

This snarky Instagram account made me laugh.

Yeah, I don't watch Game of Thrones either.

All three Coppola movies with Dunst take the time to consider femininity in a male-dominated world.

Your next party conversation starter.

A lovely story about finding love after 35 years apart.

Why moms are funny AF. 

This nanny ad is both terrifying and hilarious.

Who the hell was that guy, anyway?

Things I've said to my puppy or a Republican senator?

[Photo from Our Moveable Feast on Instagram of our most recent pop-up dinner.]

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