Friday, December 15, 2017

Freeform Friday

We've had incredible amounts of snow this week (and a snow day!), so we're getting outside for more fort building, hiking, and merriment this weekend. We had a really mild winter last year, so every snowfall this year feels magical. We're also going to a brunch with Santa with some of my favorite extended family members, and my kids are beside themselves with excitement over seeing the jolly guy in the red suit.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

An interesting peak inside an undergrad's dating world (plus an author interview and article about the uproar over the short story).

Another example for 2017 as the Year of Regression!

The only wrapping paper you'll need for the next three years.

Ha! A helpful guide to decoding holiday party RSVPs.

Ulysses S. Grant had a home in Detroit, and here is what's happening with it.

Some of the last photos from Frida Kahlo's life.

The Room and The Disaster Artist side-by-side clip comparisons is everything.

Easter eggs in Coco (in case you were also looking for the Pizza Planet truck).

How did these great films and directors get snubbed with Golden Globe nods this week?!?

These peanut butter and chocolate cookies look like they'd be a hit.

Winning holiday party appetizer formula and simple, comforting dessert.

[Photo from Farmgirl Flowers on Instagram.]

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