Friday, December 29, 2017

Freeform Friday

We're headed into the weekend putting together low-key plans for NYE that currently include a couple friends, several containers of takeout food, and lots of bottles of bubbly. I hope your week was relaxing enough that you forgot what day it was at least once, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Over break I've been trying to have more time for reading and less screen time, and I've been happily reading this for book club and this favorite collection of essays.

Have you been lucky enough to spot one of these migrating owls?

There were actually some positive things about 2018.

Glad to see two of my favorites at the top of their respective list of most admired people.

Mark Hamill doesn't really hate the newest Star Wars movie.

Whew! Glad this FB scan for Russian influence came up clean on my account history.

A binge-worthy list of the 17 most read McSweeny's articles from the last year.

My husband is obsessed with his new giant ice cube molds.

I picked up these adorable shoes for my daughter at a great post-holiday sale.

[Photo from Pure Mitten Pride on Instagram.]

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