Friday, February 23, 2018

Freeform Friday

Tonight we're going to a wine tasting that friends are hosting at their newly remodeled house. Good wine and conversation is just what I need to unwind at the end of this long week. I hope you have a cozy weekend planned, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

A laugh out loud Moth story.

Paleofuture is a fascinating spot for connecting predictions from the past to the present.

Get Out's Oscar nominations are a welcome surprise from the stodgy Academy.

I love the Shib Sibs' videos (and I extra love them because Maia was my student once upon a time).

This was our jam in class today.

A fascinating story about Malcolm X's childhood in Michigan.

Eat your heart out, Pence.

It's not like you needed something official to prove this, but here it is if you need to hear from the pros.

Have to say I'm shocked but not surprised by this cheat sheet on how to be an empathetic human.

[Image from Wright Kitchen on Instagram.]

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