Friday, April 20, 2018

Freeform Friday

I'm on a mission today to see how much I can pack into a single Friday afternoon: a trip to an amazing French bakery, shopping at our favorite local music store on the eve of Record Store Day, and finally getting a chance to see Isle of Dogs. Yay! I also get to have movie night with book club tomorrow, a followup to our last book, and a cool concert with the kids on Sunday. And that's how you weekend, folks. I hope your weekend is a good one, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Oh. My. Gawd. Look at these Friends cookies.

I'm not sure how I feel about ice in wine (aside from sangria, of course).

Fans of The Crown must check out portraits of Queen Elizabeth.

Speaking of the Queen, how amazing are these royal piece of jewelry?

This song is my anthem right now.

Eek! Look at these foxes bounce and play.

How pretty are these starry plates?

I love these city tote bags, particularly this one from The D.

The story of 420.

Obama's remembrance of a flawed but fierce Barbara Bush is a must-read.

I love this spin on work-place attire.

[Image from HBO's High Maintenance, as must watch on 420.]

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