Friday, July 20, 2018

Freeform Friday

After wrapping up a work project, I'm happy to get a little break this weekend to go swimming with the kids, sample recipes my husband makes on his new grill, and bake a pie with blueberries the kids and I picked yesterday. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

An always dependable recipe from Ina for tomato and avocado salad.

A great podcast interview and a short video with David Sedaris.

The Queen trolled Trump with her choice of pins for the wins.

And on this side of the pond, Pete Souza throws serious Shade.

Need travel guidance? This is the site I've been playing with lately.

I'm itching to buy one of these dresses after all the warm days we've been having lately.

An Instagram account worth following.

I love the idea of this housing swap to help make travel more affordable and accessible.

Abortion is immoral, except when it is convenient for rich Republican men.

[Image from Galina Tolmacheva on Instagram.]

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