Friday, August 31, 2018

Freeform Friday

Happy holiday weekend! We're excited about having dinner at the pool with friends tonight and watching The Goonies on an outdoor inflatable screen at another buddy's place on Sunday. Additionally, our youngest starts kindergarten next week, and we're all back to school on Tuesday, too. Whew! Where did the summer go? I hope you have a lovely summer sendoff this weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

Awaken your teacher chakras.

Women having a terrible time at parties in Western art history made me laugh.

I love this local Etsy shop, and it has a sale this weekend!). My son is convinced his toy from the shop is direct from Santa's workshop because he can tell it's not just off the shelf. Too. Cute. Check out his Instagram page, too.

Lookin' good, Detroit.

Serena Williams wears a revenge tutu like no other. In related news, WTF is wrong with tennis dress codes for women?

My kids are obsessed with the 1984 version of this movie and terrified of the 2016 reincarnation. Isn't it funny how dated visual effects make such a big difference in how silly vs. scary films can be?

Smart and funny tips for life.

Settlers nearly destroyed Michigan’s wild river rice beds. Native tribes are restoring them.

[Image from Live Montreal on Instagram.]

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