Friday, October 19, 2018

Freeform Friday

We have lots of things to celebrate this weekend -- my husband is back to work after a long recovery following surgery to his elbow, and my mom had a cancer check-up that was the best news we can hope for at this time. We're celebrating with a great Halloween movie out tonight and cozy meals at home. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links form the past week.

A fantastic look at a four-course meal in the chef's garden (and a stunning debut from The Maryn).

My family isn't hard-core enough for matching sets, but these are pretty cute pajamas for kids.

A great reminder that get togethers with friends don't need to be fancy to work well.

A fun video featuring David Sedaris and his hunt for fresh writing material.

The lifestyles of the rich (immoral, complicit) and famous.

This dish is an often requested meal by my kids and great for having friends over for dinner.

These Annie Hall-like subtitles had me laughing.

This is the history our country is creating.

Looks like a bunch of old dogs playing poker to me.

[Image from Best Pictures Michigan on Instagram.]

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