Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Couple Things We're Into Right Now

When Facebook algorithms changed in mid-October, so did the readership numbers for this blog. Despite fiddling with how I posted blog links, I can't figure a work-around to get my reach back to what it had been in the years leading up to now.

The drastic change got me reassessing my posts, and with a smaller readership, I decided to not feel fixed on weekly posts but rather write when a topic came up that I'm interested in. An inspiring post on Dinner a Love Story got me thinking about some happenings around our house recently, and I'm excited to share them with those beyond my book club.

1. I've been trying to make more meals with protein and veggies to limit carb intake, a necessary step when cooking for a diabetic, and we've loved some of the new recipes. Our favorites were a Greek chicken bowl and shrimp tacos. Both came together quickly and had simple sauces that made all the

2. Avocado is getting put on everything at our house, especially breakfast sandwiches and salads. I especially like a sprinkle of Trader Joe's everything but the bagel seasoning on avocado or this hearty breakfast on the weekend.

3. I've been purging our basement so we can get boxes off the ground and onto organized shelves. The best part is that after years of procrastination, I've recently taken a dozen tubs of baby clothes to a resale shop. It's a win-win because I got rid of clothes we don't need, and I walk away with money. The cash-in-hand also makes a wonderful motivation for finishing the task, too.

4. RBG has been getting some serious love around my house lately. We read I Dissent with my daughter's Daisy Troop last week as a part of our lesson about being friendly and helpful, and my five-year-old later touted that she was just like RBG when she was playing dress up in my fancy heals. Serious mom win on that anti-princess front. On top of that, we went out with friends Friday night to see the opening of On the Basis of Sex. It's a lovely, honest bio-pic about RBG's start at law school through her first big case, and it made for great post-movie conversation over drinks. It also resulted to a serious crush on Marty Ginsburg. I can't help but swoon for tall, smart, and funny guys (and if you know my charming husband you'll see it's my type).

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