Friday, June 3, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend is all about hitting up the pool and recharging for the final push before finals. Where are your weekend plans taking you? Any fun distractions lined up?

Here are some of my favorite distractions from this past week:

We just booked a couple of days at this resort for a quick summer getaway.

I'm obsessed with these BAKE classes at Zingerman's.

Spoiler alert for the pop-up dinner: June requires this perfect summer dessert and potato salad.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I bought these for my daughter and kept the case for myself; it had a built-in cleaning cloth, and I couldn't resist.

Love this tribute to directors taking chances.

I want to buy this print for my daughter in a million styles so I can vicariously live through her dino-riffic wardrobe.

(Photo of Mary Pickford and Douglass Fairbanks Sr.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to strolling through the peony garden at the Arb on Sunday followed by tea at the Tea Haus!
