Saturday, June 4, 2016

What Teachers Really Want: An End of the Year Gift Guide

With the end of the school year fast approaching, here are some ideas for inexpensive, thoughtful gifts what will put a smile on a teacher's face and send her into summer with a special treat.

A cool succulent like these from the vendor I saw at the Saturday Farmer's Market are perfect and pretty easy to take care of; it was hard to snap a picture because the table was always surrounded by people admiring them. There were lots of options from $12 on up.

Help keep that teacher voice refreshed with a new water bottle from Life Factory or Klean Kanteen.

My son's teacher loves Zang candy bars, so I'll put together a basket with several of those along with Zingerman's brownies, graham crackers, and marshmallows.

A gift card to the awesome local coffee shop or cafe that's just down the road from work also makes a nice treat. Not sure which one? Ask your child to notice where the teacher's travel cup is from each morning, or ask the school secretary. They know everything.

Or, how about:

A gift card to the movie theater.

A gift card to an awesome class.

Tickets to a concert or play.

Tickets to sporting events (go Tigers!).

A membership to a local zoo or museum.

Books for the classroom or for the teacher.

Personalized stationary.

A custom rubber stamp!

A donation in her/his name to a local charity that helps kids in need.

If you feel compelled to get a mug, be sure to pick one that's awesomely tied to something the teacher did that year. English teachers are suckers for Shakespeare mugs like these, my history teacher buddies love their mugs with Honest Abe and the disappearing liberties, and you can even find something for art, science, and math teachers that will tickle their fancy.

Of course, it goes without saying that a handwritten note with specific things your child loved about their time together is the perfect compliment to anything you give. Added bonus: send a copy of that note to the principal (who often deals with complaints and loves to hear compliments).

I recommend proceeding with caution and avoiding anything that is scented (lotion, sunblock, candle, etc.) or difficult to predict if you don't know her/his tastes well.

Teachers, what have your favorite gifts been? Any items you have a drawer full of and don't need to add any more of?

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