Friday, June 17, 2016

Freeform Friday

School is out for the summer, and life is good. We're spending our first day of vacation in our pajamas until noon, and then we'll head to the pool. Oh! We'll also go catch the long awaited release of Finding Dory. Where do your weekend plans take you?

With Dory getting her own movie, this is a fun idea for other Disney/Pixar spin-offs. If Bing Bong had his own movie, I'd buy a ticket.

I'm loving my new Gatsby tote bag that I picked up from our local book store.

I'm using up the four pounds of rhubarb I got earlier this week by making this wonderful rhubarb crisp and more shrub.

After taking a fresh pasta making class, I picked up a shaping tool so I can make the easiest pasta shape ever. The dough, shaping, and cooking time (two minutes!) come together so fast, it's my new favorite weeknight meal.

I've been cruising through this graphic novel and completely understand all the hype around it. 

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