Saturday, June 18, 2016

Mommin' It

When shopping with a best buddy for a simple pair of black pants she needed for her new job, we suddenly found ourselves standing in a Chico's being asked what our Chico's size is. We chuckled over the sales woman's joyful indoctrination into Chico's culture because we understood that we had crossed a threshold greater than Club Chico.

Texts full of jokes about working out a Curves and shopping at Dress Barn ensued until I found myself making a decidedly mom purchase: a Land's End rash guard top for me, not my kid.

As I eased into my new suit (with slimming features!) and rash guard top, I settled into a comfortable realization of my own.

I am seriously mommin' it. How do I know?

It's not just my new pool attire.

I'm rockin' my mom shoes (although I'm thinking about adding these thin strapped beauties or these pearled pretties).

Furthermore, the only thing I love more than Boden prints is that many of their dresses have pockets for my cell phone, keys, and miscellaneous Legos I pick up and can't bring myself to throw out.

The ultimate test of whether or not you're mommin' it is if your wardrobe includes a piece of maternity clothing that you totally kept because, well, why the hell not keep something with flattering lines and forgiving fabrics?

So, mom it all over town, my friends, and know that you're in good company.

How are you mommin' it?

(Photo of Grace Kelly, mommin' it at the pool in her one piece suit.)

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