Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Serious Case of Mom Purse

While lunching out with my family recently, the waitress patiently waited while I dug through my purse for my wallet. "Sorry, I've got a serious case of mom purse here."
    "I know. Aren't they great? I have so much stuff that I switched from a purse to a backpack so I can  carry even more things around."

And you know what, she's completely right. Mom purse is a wonderful treasure trove of helpful oddities. In addition to the array of kid gear, which greatly varies depending on potty training status, I tote around some serious mom gear in my sturdy leather bag.

On any given day you'll find:

Klean Kaneteens: they're about the only thing that won't leak and create a wading pool at the bottom of my purse. Why bring your own water? Because your kid will inevitably ask for a drink as soon as you're a mile away from the closest drinking fountain or getting in the car for an errand marathon.

Mini plastic dinosaurs: they're perfect for entertaining kids who are waiting at a restaurant because their faces fit into straws, they like to explore new surroundings, and they're not a computer screen that your kid rudely zones out on at the table. (Yeah, I just went there. Not sorry about it.)

Mini bubbles: redirects are the best tool of every good parent and teacher I know, and nothing distracts and redirects a kid like mini bubbles. They're so tiny that you can use them pretty much anywhere and your kid will be transformed from a whiny mess into a little wood sprite chasing dreamy bubbles.

I'm also a huge fan of these reusable shopping bags because they fold up and snap shut into a tiny, lightweight package that you'll be grateful to have when out and about.

What gems do you pull out of your mom purse?

(Photo of Grace Kelly and her sizable mom purse.)

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