Friday, July 1, 2016

Freeform Friday

Happy July 4th weekend, folks! Our holiday plans are keeping us in town this three-day weekend, and my kids are especially looking forward to the games our pool club hosts, most notably the baby pool filled with floating pool toys. Because really, who doesn't get giddy about scooping up mini rubber duckies as fast as you can?

Here are some items from around the internet that I've been entertained by this past week:

Have you heard about this new approach to precise locations? It puts the Michigan Theater at "" and you can even pinpoint your precise section inside Michigan Stadium with "stages.zooms.tunnel" or "land.dices.strut."

Going through a rough patch? Why not embrace it with a full-blown Pity Party? I was sold at the part where every guest gets her own pint of ice cream.

Haiku's fun, especially when it's put into a movie review. See what I did there?

Are you a fan of the Pixar conspiracy theory? If so, you'll be ticked to see how Dory fits into it.

Steven Spielberg's new movie, an adaptation of Roald Dahl's BFG opens soon. This was my all time favorite book in the third grade, and I'm excited to see what this esteemed director does with it.

Have you seen this visual commentary on Brexit? Diversity is clearly the way to go.

Love language? Love drinking? This is for you!

(Susan Hayward and Virginia Dale wish you a happy July 4th in this vintage snapshot.)

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