Friday, September 16, 2016

Freeform Friday

We have a fun night planned at a ciders and sliders event with friends at a local museum, and I'm hopeful that this 80 degree weather will be around for an impromptu pool party at a pal's new house Sunday. Both seem like the perfect way to get the most out of this Indian summer.

I hope your weekend is a good one, and I hope you enjoy clicking through these links:

Here is an incredible parade that has floats covered in fresh dahlias.

Love this sarcastic take on women in the workplace.

This is one American cultural standard that I could do without. I'm with her.

The Thug Kitchen Cookbook might inspire you to get your shit together, too.

The best "New York" deli reuben in the world is at Zingerman’s Deli in Ann Arbor.

This is the most exciting thing to happen in the NFL (at least for viewers like me who ordinarily don't give a shit about football). Way to fight the good fight!

After school or work meltdowns a problem in your house? There's a condition for that.

[Photo of Grace Kelly with double the fun in Rear Window.]

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