Friday, September 9, 2016

Freeform Friday

Like all teachers who went back to work this week, I'm exhausted. Tonight's going to be a wild one full of hanging on the couch with the fam and watching a DVD until I fall asleep. I'll be happy to be rested up for my son's first soccer game tomorrow (woo hoo!) and my book club on Sunday.

I hope your weekend is a good one, and I hope you enjoy clicking through these links:

Why not smiling is okay. 

Boomer will go blue!

Our book club has been flying through this great read.

Back to school meal plan help.

Bread never looked so beautiful.

Eek! This will make you think twice about what you put in the garbage.

This roast of a nasty character made me laugh out loud.

[Image from Hitchcock's Notorious and what I imagine my house to look like by 9:00 tonight.]

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