Friday, November 11, 2016

Freeform Friday

This week has been unbelievable. Literally. I've made it through the new stages of grief according to the Nasty Woman (thank you Pantsuit Nation!):
1. Be sad
2. Get pissed
3. Get shit done
Game on.

I'm vacillating between stages two and three, and after hosting friends for a brainstorming session tonight, I'm trying my best to get shit done. Here are some links from around the web that have been helping me not lose it over the last couple of days.

It's time for a big ol' pity party. Ours was tonight and featured three types of ice cream and two extra large Detroit style pizzas.

I'm ordering this pronto.

Love this mom's daily dose of wisdom in her daughter's lunch.

America elected a bigot (and other reasons I can't respect the president-elect).

The misogyny apocalypse.

Trump is the present, sadly, but he is not the future.

We will not mourn any more. We will organize.

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