Friday, November 18, 2016

Freeform Friday

This weekend I'm looking forward to lunch with a dear friend and mentor; she retired several years ago, and we have a delightful tradition of taking each other out for a fancy birthday lunch. We're also gearing up at home for hosting Thanksgiving for 18; my mom, who really is the best mom ever, is amazing and volunteers to make the turkey, stuffing, and gravy each year, so that makes it all the more manageable. Also, like may Americans who are nervous about politics at the Thanksgiving table, my mom assures me that my cantankerous 89-year-old grandfather is mostly deaf and therefor might, possibly behave himself. We can always hope.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the past week.

black and white movie marathon to lift your spirits.

Cold weather makes me want to buy scarves like this or this.

Everybody loves Uncle Joe.

You need to put Idiocracy at the top of your must-watch movie list.

A bunch of states just legalized weed (which is great 'cause we're gonna' need it now).

Speaking of weed, you should watch this great comedy.

HONY gets it every time.

No, lets not congratulate him. Not today. Not ever.

Don't be a dick.

I know what I'll be reading this June.

Dirty work mug vindication.

[Photo of my new hero, a Polish women's rights protestor who got it right.]

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