Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving Teacher Thank You

As a teacher myself, I know some definitive things about Thanksgiving break. One, it is a really long stretch from the beginning of the school year to late November, and even the most patient, seasoned teachers are worn out at this point in the year. Two, teachers have an often thankless job. Which brings us to number three. Teachers love a good thank you note.

So, on the eve of Thanksgiving break, my kids are both busy coloring pictures of turkeys and thinking of reasons they're thankful for their beloved teachers.

Here is the template I wrote this afternoon, and I paired it with a cute clipart turkey at the top of the page. Please feel free to use it and pass on the thankful sentiments to your favorite teachers.

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.______________,

This Thanksgiving I’m thankful that you’re my teacher.

Thank you for making me smile when…

Thank you for teaching me about…

Thank you for helping me with…

Thank you for being a wonderful teacher!

Hugs from your adoring student,


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