Friday, December 30, 2016

Freeform Friday

Happy end of the year to you! We're keeping it low key this New Year's Eve and plan on going out for a simple dinner at a fun, new spot. My biggest accomplishment this past week was watching five movies in four days and finishing two books, and I hope to keep the streak going into week two of vacation.

I hope you have a  lovely new year, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the past week.

celebration of Stevie Wonder, and a reminder to appreciate those who inspire us while they're still around.

On a related note, have you heard Wonder's cover of "We Can Work it Out"? Damn.

Looking forward to #16.

A bromance for the ages.

This is my kind of stacked roster.

What's on the minds of 2.9 million Americans as 2016 comes to a close.

The 20 best films of 2016. I'm delighted to see Linklater at #15 , and I second their recommendations for #19, #10, #4, and the single best film I've seen in ages, #2; #1 is still on my to-watch list.

Smile inducing photos from 2016.

Good morning to you and you and you and you; thank you for the songs, Debbie.

Pimento cheese bites? Yes, please.

[Photo of Grace Kelly with a tall glass of bubbles.]

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