Friday, January 6, 2017

Freeform Friday

Happy 2017! We rang in the New Year in the sunny Florida Keys, and we had a fantastic time playing in the pool, exploring new places, and visiting the home of a favorite author. This was our second year in a row traveling to the Keys, and I'm lovin' our new travel tradition. While coming back to cold temps is never easy, I am looking forward to lunching with new friends tomorrow and seeing my favorite ladies at book club on Sunday.

I hope you've enjoyed your holiday break and gotten plenty of rest, and I hope you enjoy clicking through my favorite links from the past week.

Some hilarious resolutions to consider.

A fun collection of Easter eggs from Pixar films (that has great transitions!).

A simple, delicious looking pasta recipe.

Good news for those of us who don't like to eat in the morning.

More evidence for why Betty White is cooler than most people.

Love this new black dress I picked up.

This made me laugh.

My husband just got a bunch of hard to find vintage records, so we've been jamming all day.

I finally found the perfect feminist t-shirt.

I can't get enough of these smart, funny everyday bravery pins.

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