Saturday, May 13, 2017

Freeform Friday

This weekend I'm celebrating Mother's Day with my two best friends, who happen to be my mom and sister, in the charming city of Savannah. It's a town we haven't visited together in almost 20 years, and we're delighted to have a chance to eat and drink our way from Forsyth Park to the Savannah River. Without young children in tow, and without a single regret. Cheers to that.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I hope you like my favorite links from the last week.

In other ways other countries are smarter than us, France is officially a safe haven for scientists.

Not only are these the coolest geometric socks, but they also support saving bees.

Where the foodies go in Ann Arbor.

Feminist is my second-favorite f-word.

Anyone else always on the lookout for a new deodorant that works but doesn't irritate your skin?

Reading makes you nicer (as if you needed a study to tell you that).

A spot on cartoon describing what Fascism looks like.

How silly is also sexy.

I can't explain why, but I really want to buy this.

An unexpected, and hilarious, burn from the Nixon Library.

A few key edits to Trump's latest press release.

Don't ask about the upstairs apartment.

[Photo credit: @richardcuoco via Instagram]

1 comment:

  1. I am ordering the T-shirt, and am excited about the sparkling TJ wine! Thanks for the great post! Also, L'Occitane has fantastic all natural deodorants; my fortieth one is Verveine Agrumes.
