Friday, May 5, 2017

Freeform Friday

Over the weekend we're trying brunch at a newer spot in town, and I'm looking forward to sampling blueberry quinoa pancakes and their famous baked goods. My daughter and I are also taking my mom to a kid-friendly play that's an adaptation of a classic as an early Mother's Day gift; it's a favorite of my mom's, and I'm excited to share it with her and my imaginative, talkative four-year-old.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

This is my kind of unicorn.

The wise children and immature adults of the Wes Anderson universe.

In defense of depressing books.

A space that has the potential for the perfect artist or writer's studio.

This shirt is freaking fantastic.

Happy wife, happy life.

Did you know this trick for finishing your pasta?

A practical how-to for the culinarily-challenged.

Free, high-resolution national park maps.

For once, I've found math that is interesting.

In addition to his feisty news conferences, here's another reason to love the Piston's coach.

This looks insanely fun.

I know where I want to go this summer.

A good reminder to put on your damn swimsuit.

When is it okay to ask a woman if she's pregnant?

My favorite vacation spot.

[Photo of the Italian city of Mango on a rainy day.]

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