Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What Mothers Want: A Gift Guide for Mother's Day

I have to admit that when asked what I want for Mother's Day, I usually say, "I don't know" or "Nothing." As a mom, I'm not very good at getting things for myself. I've been eyeing a cute dress for weeks that's slightly more than I think a dress should be, but in that same time I've gotten numerous things for my kids that easily exceed the cost of the dress. I think, like a lot of other moms, I'm just used to putting my kids first, and I'm not very practiced at thinking about things I need or want.  

Luckily, my doting husband has lots of creative ideas, and my own mom and mother-in-law have traditions for Mother's Day gifts. Here are some ideas to get you started:

If space permits, plant a patch of the garden with several pots of her favorite flower. If you're not sure what to plant, I don't know a single woman who would turn her nose up at peonies.

Cooking or baking classes are great for moms of all ability levels.  Bonus points if it's coordinated with her sister, mother, or another mom friend.

Photo from Pewabic Pottery on Instagram.
beautiful vase with a big bunch of tulips from Trader Joe's (my go-to for affordable flowers).
smart or sassy tote bag full of good books to read this summer.

A short trip with her friends. Give her a guilt-free break from momming it, and whatever you do, don't call your time watching your own children "babysitting." Wine or brewery tours can be as short as a 24-hour trip, and tapping into frequent flyer miles can score a long weekend away in her favorite city.

For the mom who doesn't want more stuff, take her shopping at your local farmer's market and pick up the tab for her hanging baskets, herb garden, or whatever spring plants she'd like.

Don't forget a card filled with all the feelings, too!

What would you add to the list? What gift do you love getting for Mother's Day?

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