Friday, June 2, 2017

Freeform Friday

Today I'm feeling grateful for a dedicated group of girlfriends and a couple bottles of bubbly; both helped wash away a toxic work-enduced mood last night. I'm also grateful for my all-time favorite season -- strawberries and peonies are both at the Farmer's Market, and I plan on buying armfulls of both tomorrow morning.

I hope you have a marvelous weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

How many romantic comedies have you seen from this fun list?

A stunning collection of architectural photographs.

Why your female cashier is being nice to you; I don't miss my cashier days at all.

How women manage the mental load, on top of chores, in households.

The surreal post-election life of the woman who would have been president.

This made me laugh harder than I have in weeks.

Who wants a monthly box of crap for the low price of $69? Hahahaha.

Who gets named a terrorist, and why?

The best life advice from graduation speeches.

Forget buying a fidget spinner. Lego has design plans so your kid can make his own.

Check out this house with an awesome indoor treehouse.

The Northern Lights in all their splendor.

You don't need to go to the Caribbean for clear, green water.

A great sale for book loving teacher gifts or Father's Day gifts. 

Smoky the Bear says only you can "Resist!"

All aboard the cat bus! Satsuki and Mei's house is ready for visitors, too.

A refreshing summer dessert (that freezes well, too!).

[Photo of my peony wedding bouquet that I still swoon over.]

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