Thursday, June 8, 2017

What to Give High School Graduates

This time of year graduation parties populate my calendar, and I never quite know what to give as a gift. So, this morning I asked around, and these are the most popular ideas my students had.

When in doubt, give money. The most requested gift is cash to buy a laptop, bike, books, and dorm supplies.

If you're looking for other ideas, here is what teens also said they'd like:

Spiritwear for their new school.

A nice water bottle. Bonus points if it's one of their new school colors.
An inspiring read that relates to the grad's interests.

Stationary to write thanks you notes for all their graduation gifts.

portable charger to use during a long day of classes.

Gas cards to help them escape the dorm every once in a while.

A gift card to the coolest local dinner spot or pizza delivery on their new campus.

What is your go-to gift for high school graduates?

[Photo credit of an amazing group of graduates by Matt Weigand.]

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