Friday, August 4, 2017

Freeform Friday

Fresh off a stay at our family cottage on the fresh coast of Lake Michigan, we're looking at a low-key weekend. August always makes me itchy as we look down the barrel at school starting again, so I'm already thinking of day trips and other little getaways to make the rest of the month exciting. Do you have any favorite places you'd recommend?

I hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I hope you enjoy my favorite links from the past week.

If you regularly go to a lake, even for a week every year, I can't recommend this enough.

A simple Lake Michigan rock guide.

Always entertaining quips from David Sedaris.

The most dangerous woman in America.

An interesting read on DNA kit surprises.

Interesting films that take place within confined spaces.

A tasty looking recipe for Greek grain salad.

Glad I stumbled across this beautiful photographer's work on Instagram.

Putting this little gem on my wish list.

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